Lindsay Emerson
About Me
I was born and raised in Houston, Texas, USA, and consider it home! Growing up, I was quite introverted and tended to keep a small group of close friends. To this day, I tend to keep my circle small! I recently asked my family and friends, "If you had to describe me in three words, what would they be?" and one I am very proud of was repeated by almost everyone: Empathetic. I hope to share this open mindset throughout this blog in order to spread kindness, knowledge, and compassion.
Growing up, I always knew I wanted to be a teacher. If you asked my parents, they'd say it was destined to be. I went to college to pursue a degree in education and thus began my teaching journey in my early 20s. I had such a wild and emotional middle school journey, so it was always my plan to teach 6th-8th graders so that I could be the teacher I wish I had during those turbulent times. I taught English Language Arts for all three grade levels throughout my 7 years in the classroom, and it was the best most challenging experience that I will be forever grateful for. Right before my 8th year of teaching, I was offered a promotion to essential teach teachers. Wild, I know. I have enjoyed the new challenge!
As I mentioned on my homepage, I truly have always felt like there was something missing for me, professionally speaking. I have had a creative bug I couldn't quite pin down until rather recently. I would be captivated by many entrepreneurial endeavors until finally, I found my calling: writing, website design, affiliate marketing, and helping others to find their creative outlet as well. I hope this reaches someone who has that same creative bug they're trying to identify!

My Focus
Personal Growth
Creative Outlets
Health and Wellness